The Frauenkirche in Dresden - Buch englische Ausgabe - Book English Edition

Stiftung Frauenkirche Dresden
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Englische Ausgabe / English Edition
Softcover | 132 Seiten/Pages | 280x10x166mm

  • HW24405

The Frauenkirche in Dresden - Inception - Impact - Rebuilding

This is a House of God and a historic monument, a memorial and - at the same time - one of the most famous objects of interest in Dresden: the Frauenkirche.

The Dresden Frauenkirche Foundation has published in this book a compact edition of the comprehensive building monograph "The Frauenkirche in Dresden - Inception - Impact - Rebuilding". The contents of the texts, written by specialists who took an active part in the preparation, planning and building work, were summarized by author Andreas Friedrich.

The first part is dedicated to the building work in the 18th century. The book sheds light on the planning history of the baroque building with reference to the building history and gives insights into the organization of the building work in the second quarter of the 18th century. The largest building with a stone cupola north of the Alps was regarded as the prototype of a Lutheran preaching church. One chapter is dedicated to the life of the master builder George Bähr and another one to the pictorial and iconographic refinement as well as to the impact the Frauenkirche has had on church life and the public consciousness since the 18th century.

The history of the rebuilding is the subject of the second part. The role of the Citizens' Initiative and the individual stages of the building under today's conditions are portrayed. Architectonic and technical details on the reconstruction of the domed building as well as the restoration of the interior spaces are knowledgeably described. The richly illustrated book describes vividly the impressive work, which the rebuilding of the Dresden Frauenkirche represents.

Product information:

  • Book about the Frauenkirche in Dresden
  • Author: Andreas Friedrich
  • Softcover
  • 132 Pages
  • 280x10x166mm
  • ISBN: 3-937602-48-8

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